Thanks again to all of these amazing families for having me document your kids having fun!!
I wish I could post EVERY. SINGLE. IMAGE. from these sessions! Its hard to choose just a few to share!
If you missed out on these creek sessions you should be kicking yourself! The kids had a blast!!
Dani, the way Felix simply looks at you is amazing love! From the first time I met him I knew he was the perfect match for you! As he joins your family I know he will always be there to support you no matter your dreams! Felix keep loving her like tha! Every woman deserves to have "that" feeling and yours shows through to everyone around you both!
Congratulations on your engagement, your wedding is going to ROCK!!
They dodged the rain, pulled ticks off of themselves, and ran from snakes during their fun filled session! Luckily we had so much fun doing all of that their images are filled with laughter, smiles, and maybe just a little love! heart emoticon
J Family, thank you for the adventure! Can't wait for our next one!
We loved playing in the woods, picking flowers, and throwing rocks in the creek!
My little brother is dating a super sweet girl and I got to photograph her family to surprise their Momma! We had a blast in the gorgeous flower field! AKA my new favorite spring place to shoot!!!
Introducing Phoenix Kade...
His babysitter made this adorable banner and his Momma made the smash cake! Both turned out great!
Of course we had to have a sink bath after all that mess! I love photographing chubby lil babies in the sink! One day I will have myself one of those beautiful farm house sinks in my house!